For sure you're now eager to set up your own website with CMSimple_XH. After downloading the newest version from Github you have 3 possibilities:
- You have webspace on the internet that has got at least PHP 7.4. Unpack the zip file of the CMSimple_XH download and upload the contents of the CMSimple_XH folder unto the root folder of your domain. To do this you need an ftp programm and, depending on the configuration of your server, you may have to set writing permissions to several files and folders. Look for further details in the CMSimple_XH wiki.
- You have on your computer a webserver running like XAMPP (even if you don't, you may want to consider it. Installation isn't that difficult.) Simply copy the CMSimple_XH folder into the localhost folder, which usually is called "htdocs".
- Even without webserver and webspace you can try CMSimple_XH on a Windows-Computer. Install this version of CMSimple_XH, which is coming together with its own small webserver.
If you have questions or if you want to come into contact with the friendly CMSimple_XH community, visit the CMSimple forum and register your account for free.