This is a demo of CMSimple_XH
Please LOGIN with using the password: demo and have a look at the backend.
After logging in, the warning that write permission is missing appears sporadically - this is only set for this test installation to make public accessibility possible.
After login
After login the online editor is active and you can edit the page content right away (sorry no saving in the demo). Actually, there are different online editors available for CMSimple, but this demo just comes with the TinyMCE-editor. The editor itself can be ajusted to your liking.
After login a new menu appears on top of the page with the items.
- View mode: Toggle between page editing and viewing the page as visitors would see it.
- Pages: Delete, create, rename or move pages around. (There is another pagemanager available that does things slightly different, again the choice is yours.)
- Files: Access, upload and manage images, pdfs, and other files you like to have on your site. (Alternatively you can install more powerful file browsers.)
- Settings: Change basic settings like password, e-mail, site title, settings for search engines. etc.
- Plugins: Access the settings of the installed plugins. There are numerous plugins available and new ones are regularly being published. This demo only has the basic plugins that come with the standard download plus the template switcher plugin.